
Global Food & Beverage Companies

We have accepted and evaluated food and beverage brands from 47 countries.


Food and Beverage brands

We have accepted and evaluated more than 4500+ food and beverage brands.


Badges Printed & Under License

We printed and we offered under licensed more that 3 million badges.

Our Story

A team of driven entrepreneurs and food scientists decided to establish a world-class food and beverage award organization, with the goal of discovering and awarding the most excellent in taste brands, through a blind sensory evaluation that ensures the integrity and trust of the assessment process and awarded results.

Why Excellent Taste Awards® 

During the last six years of operation, our award organisation has become synonymous of excellence and transparency. It is the top destination among food and beverage producers who wish to underline and prove the excellent taste characteristics of their food creations.
In addition, our award organisation’s strong brand identity, appreciation and international credibility give a unique advantage to producers who choose us to receive the Excellent Taste Award recognition for their food and beverage labels.

Excellent Taste Logo Final

Why Mediterranean Taste Awards® 

  • We are a well-established award organisation trusted by food and beverage producers from over 47 countries.
  • Our tasting team is made up by top-tier food and beverage industry specialists that uphold the highest ethical and professional standards.
  • We offer dynamic marketing solution packages to producers who want to increase their communication exposure.
Excellent Taste Awards

The concept of Mediterranean Taste Awards® 

The concept of Mediterranean Taste Awards is based on the idea that food and beverage producers through the utilization of natural ingredients and by employing exceptional production practices, can create and offer brands that have positive contribution and long-lasting impact in the society and people’s lives.

Mediterranean Taste Awards® in Numbers 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus blandit massa enim. Nullam id varius nunc. Vivamus bibendum magna ex, et faucibus lacusven en ineratis eget

Companies turnover less than €1m47%
Companies turnover €1m - €5m31%
Companies more than €5m22%

September 2024

Introduction of Excellent Taste Awards as an awarded brand

The Excellent Taste Awards and the Mediterranean Taste Awards brands will complement each other and operate as standalone award brands giving greater agility and clarity of our message globally.

September 2023

7th Edition of MTA

The registration for the 7th Edition of Mediterranean Taste Awards is Open

July 2023


A strategic agreement was reached with the Berlin GOOA | Berlin Global Olive Oil Awards for cross-sharing knowledge and business practices.

June 2023

6th Edition of MTA

The fourth Mediterranean Taste Awards season was successfully completed. Over 250 food & beverage businesses from over 25 countries registered on the event.

December 2022

Best Honey List 2022

The Best Honey List 2022, an e-guide issued for the awarded honey products

March & June 2022

4th & 5th Edition of MTA

The third Mediterranean Taste Awards season was completed with great success. Over 250 food & beverage businesses from over 22 countries participated on the event.

March & June 2021

2nd & 3rd Edition of MTA

The second Mediterranean Taste Awards season was hosted in London and Berlin and was a huge success, with over 150 food and beverage companies taking part.

May 2020

1st Edition of MTA In London

The first Mediterranean Taste Awards season took place in London, with the participation of over 100 food and beverage businesses.

January 2020

In London

Mediterranean Taste Awards founded in London, UK by a team of aspiring and successful entrepreneurs and food scientists.

Our Global Footprint

We have accepted and evaluated food and beverage brands from 45 countries.

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Evaluated Products

